Life Lesson that will get you ahead in life

2 min readJun 25, 2020

1. Don’t leave things up for regret, you can always get your pride back, but never the lost time.

2. Stop fearing failure

3. It’s okay not to know what you want to do with the rest of your life

4. It’s never too late to reinvent or changes yourself

5. Don’t wait to travel — you will never get your youth back.

6. focus on experiences, not materials

7. You will have to work harder to make and maintain friends when you are an adult

8. Another person’s beauty does not detract yours- beauty is subjective.

9. Stop spending your life trying to please other people, and focus on being happy within yourself

10. Listen to your gut

11. invest and save with compounded interest ASAP

12. Rent the cheaper apartment

13. everyone’s on their own timeline, there’s isn’t the right time to do something.

14. it’s okay not to take the traditional path

15. You choose your own truth.

16. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

17. never say something behind someone’s back that you are not willing to say directly to their face.

18. Whatever you don’t like about yourself, just try the best you can to embrace it. Particularly, if it’s out of your control




I am a 17-year-old student who wants to inform you about the things that matter to me. Some of my articles are also listed on my WeHeartit, @ssefa01